Sunday, April 30, 2006

Who Have We Married ?

I think people with roots going back to the former Dutch East Indies have the most diversity- long before "diversity" became a popuplar sociopolitical term. It is reflected in our patterns of marriage. Whether they are a totok (pure Dutch), an Indo (Dutch-Indonesian mix) or any other European-Asian mix or even the Blanda Hitam (African) they sure do know how to make the world go round so-to-speak. Just in my circle we have married Jews, French-Vietnamese, African-American, French, Chinese-Indonesians, Norwegian-Americans, Italian. Other families I know of have married Puerto-Ricans, Lebanese, East Indian, Mexican, Native American. The Dutch East Indies in its hay-day was a microcosm of a United Nations. Please share your stories of the rich diversity of this legacy.